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COSSBA Connection - November 2024

Writer's picture: COSSBACOSSBA

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

In this Issue:


COSSBA Chair Aspires to Provide a Unified Voice for Public Education

As the Consortium’s board chair, Vernon Travis appreciates the organization's origins and holds great aspirations for COSSBA. Travis sits on the Vernon Parish School Board and has held numerous positions with the Louisiana School Board Association, including its current president. He now serves as the COSSBA Board of Directors chair. He recently spoke with COSSBA’s Director of Member Services, Dr. Dean Langdon, about COSSBA and his plans for continued growth.

“Our Consortium is really about the state associations,” he explained. “This is about public education. It's what we are doing for public education. It’s in our bylaws, the guiding principles, and the mission. And it made it easy for me to buy into this because that's what I stand for. I think that's why we have so much cooperation and trust (among our state association members) because we're all working truly for what we think is best for public schools.”

Foundational Principles

COSSBA emerged from a need for a unified national organization representing state school boards associations. While Travis was not part of the initial transition team, he learned about the organization's origins from those involved. He was impressed by the team's ability to establish a new organization swiftly, attributing their success to a shared vision and a sense of urgency.

“The formation of the initial board of directors and the executive director was so crucial that they established themselves and established representation and support for the states and their boards. Now we must continue to evolve, bringing value to the (state) associations,” Travis explained.

Learning Events and Collaborative Opportunities

When discussing COSSBA’s membership offerings, Travis highlighted the importance of national conferences and learning events in fostering collaboration among members.

“I think we have had a great start, and I am looking forward to more collaboration with board members so they can exchange ideas. I am encouraged by the Consortium’s initial events,” Travis said. In looking forward, he proposed that COSSBA create more training events to encourage interaction and idea exchange among board members from different states.

Legislative Positions and National Advocacy

Travis noted that COSSBA plays a crucial role in establishing legislative positions at the national level. He emphasizes the need for each state to advocate for its interests while acknowledging COSSBA's ability to step in when states hold a common purpose. He believes COSSBA should advocate for issues that align with its guiding principles and affect public education.

His primary aspiration for COSSBA is its continued growth, ultimately envisioning an influential organization representing public education nationwide. He believes a larger membership will strengthen COSSBA's advocacy efforts and ensure its voice is heard on the national stage.

“My greatest aspiration is very simple—that one day we are the one organization across the nation that speaks for public education and is the go-to organization for legislators when considering education-related laws or budgets,” Travis said.

Vernon Travis will serve as the chair of the COSSBA Board of Directors through June 30, 2025.


See you in Atlanta at the COSSBA National Conference!

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) National Conference, which takes place on March 20-23, 2025, in Atlanta, Georgia. This premier event offers an incredible lineup of speakers and sessions, and all state school board association staff members and school board members nationwide are invited to attend.

The Unified Boards Alliance Pre-Conference Day is March 20. It features an inspiring keynote address from Dr. John W. Hodges, a youth panel with the Georgia School Boards Association’s Youth Advisory Council members, and a variety concurrent sessions. The day will be capped off by closing speaker Dr. Bernice A. King, daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and CEO of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.

From March 21-23, the National Conference will continue with engaging keynotes, concurrent sessions and an exhibit hall. The keynote speakers include:

  • March 21: As the opening keynote speaker, Laila Ali, undefeated boxing world champion and TV host, will share her empowering message.

  • March 22: Brandon Farbstein will speak on elevating empathy, inspiring attendees to foster more inclusive and compassionate environments.

  • March 23: Princess Sarah Culberson, a princess of Sierra Leone, will close the conference with her remarkable story of humanitarian work.

Early bird registration is available through December 20, 2024, at $950 for both the Pre-Conference Day and the National Conference, or $675 for the National Conference alone. After December 20, the registration fee is $995 for the Pre-Conference Day and National Conference and $775 for the National Conference.

Our hotel headquarters will be the Hilton Atlanta, where attendees will enjoy a vibrant and accommodating conference experience.

For more information and to register, visit our website.

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Breaking Through Barriers: What leaders can do to address socioeconomic barriers

This article is provided by the Unified Boards Alliance (UBA) and is based on a UBA webinar presentation by Principal Amanda Tedford. She is the principal of iAcademy at Athens Elementary School. You can watch her webinar presentation here.

Providing a safe, equitable, and quality education for all students is the number one goal for educators. However, reaching this goal may present more obstacles for some students than others. Socioeconomic factors, access to resources, and community support can all shape a student’s educational journey.

Despite these challenges, some schools are showing extraordinary resilience and academic success. Below, we highlight a school in Athens, Alabama where over 80% of the students come from low socioeconomic backgrounds, yet they have excelled academically in reading and math. This school’s remarkable progress demonstrates the power of dedicated educators, innovative strategies, and strong community ties in helping every student thrive. The iAcademy at Athens Elementary School is a Pre-K through 3rd-grade school and part of the suburban Athens City School District in Athens, AL. The current enrollment of 478 students includes an 81% poverty rate, 25% of students with a designation as an English Language Learner, and 18% of students who receive special education services. Athens Elementary received a score of 89 on the most recent Alabama State Report Card that measures achievement, growth, chronic absenteeism and English Language proficiency. The students at Athens Elementary consistently demonstrate high levels of proficiency in reading and math. Their school has been designated as both a High Flyer School and a National Blue Ribbon School. So, what is Athens Elementary doing to leverage its impact to mitigate the socioeconomic barriers? First, the staff understands the importance of recognizing signs of poverty in students and discovering the impact that poverty has on student learning. At Athens Elementary this takes the form of training teachers and staff to be sensitive to the challenges students face and equipping them with strategies to support their academic and emotional needs. The staff focuses on building a sense of collective efficacy among the faculty so that they can positively influence student outcomes. Second, ensuring that schools are safe havens for students is critical. Schools should be more than just places of learning; they should be safe havens where students can access the resources they need to thrive. At Athens Elementary, this has meant providing nutritious meals, counseling services, and after-school programs that offer academic support and enrichment activities. Fostering relationships is a critical component of creating a safe haven and Athens Elementary faculty intentionally builds relationships with families, students, and staff. Parents and caregivers are crucial partners in a child's education, and it is vital to ensure they have the resources and support they need to help their children succeed. Third, leaders at Athens Elementary have recognized the need to advocate for equitable funding and policies. Advocacy is crucial and leaders must advocate for policies that address the root causes of poverty and ensure equitable funding for schools in low-income areas. This has included pushing for increased access to early childhood education, smaller class sizes, and greater support for teachers. Leaders regularly communicate with the local board of education, city council members and state legislators about the successes and challenges within the school. Fourth, a huge priority for Athens Elementary is fostering a culture of high expectations for students and school staff. High expectations, combined with strong relationships and relevant instruction, can transform the lives of students who might otherwise be left behind. Research shows that when students feel supported and believe that their teachers have high expectations for them, they are more likely to rise to the challenge. Faculty at Athens Elementary took a data-driven approach to student achievement and took steps to ensure that high expectations were held for all students and staff. Finally, Athens Elementary utilized the framework of Marzano’s high-reliability schools as a guide for school improvement efforts. This framework allowed them to focus on the “right work,” which centered around building and strengthening a collaborative school culture, ensuring effective teaching in every classroom, and maintaining a guaranteed and viable curriculum. By having a focused approach, they were able to leverage their impact and mitigate socioeconomic barriers. Education is the great equalizer. School leaders' work is not easy, but it is profoundly important. However, to leverage the impact for ALL students, leaders must be willing to confront the inequalities that exist within school systems. It is vitally essential to commit to the work of ensuring that every child, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has the opportunity to succeed. In doing this, schools can create a culture where every child, regardless of their background, can reach their full potential. Congratulations, Athens Elementary School, on your impressive academic success. May you continue to SOAR!

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Enhancing Trust through Transparency: Challenges and Technology Solutions for School Boards

Transparency is a cornerstone of trust in school boards and other public entities. Maintaining this transparency while balancing compliance and data privacy requirements can present challenges. By leveraging technology, organizations can simplify the process of publishing required information to foster a culture of openness and trust.

Challenges in School Board Transparency

School boards face several transparency challenges that can impact trust and engagement within their communities. Three primary challenges include compliance with open meetings requirements, managing complex communication channels, and ensuring security and access to information.

  1. Compliance with Open Meetings Laws

    Sunshine laws mandate a certain level of openness from school boards, ensuring that the public is aware of decisions made on their behalf. Violations of these laws can lead to serious consequences, including fines and loss of public trust. School boards must familiarize themselves with state-specific sunshine laws and use technology to simplify compliance. Board management software can centralize meeting information, making it easily accessible to both board members and the public1.

  2. Managing Multiple Communication Channels

    Using multiple communication systems and social media channels can lead to fragmented information and confusion among stakeholders. A centralized communication platform can streamline updates and ensure consistency. Board management software that includes a public transparency website can serve as a single source of truth, enhancing clarity and reducing miscommunication1.

  3. Access to Information

    Providing access to relevant information, such as meeting minutes and policy documents, is crucial for transparency. Limited accessibility can leave stakeholders feeling uninformed and erode trust. Technology can address this by centralizing information in an easily navigable online location, ensuring that community members can stay informed and engaged1.

Best Practices for Utilizing Technology to Improve School Board Transparency

Experts emphasize the role of technology in enhancing the transparency of the governance process for public and elected boards. By making information readily available and engaging stakeholders through various digital means, public entities can build and maintain trust.

  1. Keeping Stakeholders in the Loop

    Publishing information on public websites and inviting stakeholders to subscribe to updates can significantly increase visibility and engagement. This approach ensures that stakeholders are always informed about upcoming meetings and decisions.

    Catherine Hill, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools and the Vigo County Board of School Trustees, highlights the importance of this practice: “The [board management software] features that we have seen to be crucial in keeping board members and community stakeholders actively involved include the ability to easily access information and keep up to date on meeting schedules and topics… Our board loves [it]. It has brought us into a more digital age with information readily accessible and tools to notify the public and media when information is available.”3

  2. Embracing Board Management Software

    Board management software that is designed to meet the unique needs of school boards and public-facing entities can help school districts meet the expectations of their stakeholders. Features such as searchable document repositories, the ability to subscribe to meeting notifications, and integrated livestreaming capabilities allow stakeholders to participate on their own schedules, fostering greater transparency and trust. Dr. Romules Durant, CEO & Superintendent of Toledo Public Schools, notes the positive impact of investing in board management technology to improve transparency: “[Our board management system] has been essential in our operation to how we go about district board meetings, committee structure meetings [and] communicating transparency to the community.”

  3. Establishing a Single Source of Truth

    A single, centralized location for all communications helps reduce the burden of public information requests and supports more positive public engagement. Dr. R.J. Gravel, Deputy Superintendent of Glenbrook High School District 225, explains: “[Our board management software] provided that single pane of glass. …In one screen, we have our [livestream broadcast], we have our agenda, and we have our supporting information all in one package.”4

  4. Making Policy Deliberations Visible

    Technology can make policy processes more transparent, promoting inclusivity and trust. By using board management software, school boards can show stakeholders every step of the policy process, reducing the time spent on Freedom of Information Act requests and enhancing community engagement. “Directly within a single tool, we’re able to pass a policy through the collaboration and editing process, routing process and have digital documentation… all with one click,” said Gravel.4

  5. Harnessing the Power of Video

    Livestreaming and recording meetings allow community members to see the decision-making process in action, even if they cannot attend in person. This transparency builds trust and ensures that all interested parties can stay informed. Andre Pecina, Administrator of Communications, Strategy and Outreach at Visalia Unified School District, shares: “Since we started using Diligent Community, engagement and trust within the local community have improved significantly, which aligns with the district’s commitment to transparency”2.


Transparency strengthens trust in school boards, and technology helps overcome these challenges by fostering a culture of openness and engagement. Centralized communication platforms, board management software, and integrating livestream video broadcasts are just a few tools that can help achieve this goal, ensuring that stakeholders are informed, involved, and confident in their leaders’ decisions.

Transparency is a cornerstone of Diligent Community, the next-generation governance management software for public education, from the people behind BoardDocs. Learn more about Glenbrook High School District 225’s mission to improve public transparency: watch the interview or read the full case study.

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COSSBA Annual Member Business Meeting Set for March 21, 2025 


Message From the Executive Director 

Pursuant to Article X of the COSSBA Bylaws, an Annual Member Business Meeting has been scheduled for March 21, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. at the Hilton Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting is held in conjunction with the COSSBA National Conference.

Each year delegates of COSSBA’s member state associations gather to consider various proposals to amend the consortium’s bylaws, to reauthorize existing advocacy positions, and to consider new advocacy positions. A two-thirds majority of the membership (state associations) is required to approve any amendment to the bylaws and to adopt advocacy position statements.

Following the COSSBA Bylaws, all current advocacy positions expire the day before the annual meeting. Current positions are typically presented by the COSSBA Board of Directors for reauthorization by the delegates.

In October, COSSBA sent the executive directors of the state associations information and required forms related to the meeting. State associations are invited to submit proposals for advocacy positions and amendments to the bylaws for consideration by the delegates. All proposals must be submitted to the attention of the COSSBA Executive Director on or before January 21, 2025. Submitting associations should obtain a “second” from another association for each proposal. A separate form is required for each proposal.

On or before March 1, 2025, COSSBA will distribute a packet of all proposals to delegates and alternates to allow attendees sufficient time to review the information before the meeting. Limited seating for visitors will be available at the annual meeting.

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FFGA’s Support System and You

Provided by FFGA A COSSBA Platinum Partner

At FFGA, we understand that the heart of your district is your employees — the dedicated faculty, supportive school staff and visionary leaders who make everything possible. That’s why we focus on providing a benefits program tailored to meet their needs, ensuring a comprehensive portfolio of benefits backed by robust administrative support. This approach not only demonstrates your commitment to their well-being but also contributes to a thriving educational environment where every member feels valued and supported. To learn more, go to our website.

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Crisis Management: Communicating a Sudden Leadership Change

Provided by Hennes Communications, COSSBA's Preferred Provider

When your organization is faced with a sudden leadership change and you’re the one driving that change, you need to make strategic communication decisions quickly. You’re thrown into the middle of an awkward situation that can seem overwhelming. You also have to juggle your day-to-day responsibilities. And somehow, you have to communicate this news to all of your key audiences. Where should you start? To find out, click here.

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